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an inscription at the end of a book or manuscript usually with facts about its production. 


I designed this website in Wix - I apologise. I do not know enough HTML/CSS/JS to code up an entire website that looks good by myself in a reasonable amount of time, so this what I resorted to. I've also used quite a bit of Javascript for some of the website functionality.


All the text on this website uses Inter - Inter Regular for body text, and Inter Bold for all the headings. 


I bought the domain name from Squarespace, and as of now it's hosted there as well.


This entire website takes a huge amount of inspiration from Nicolas Solerieu's personal website ( I think his website is extremely beautiful - some might call it sparse, but to each their own. The minimalist aesthetic is something that greatly resonated with me, as was the exacting organisation. I wanted my personal website to be more than just something to shove in people's faces to prove to them that I was worthy of their praise and respect, and to humblebrag about my supposed superiority - I wanted it to be a way to communicate my thoughts and give people a window into who I really am. And I'd say I'm pretty happy with how it's turned out with respect to that.

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