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Life nowadays.

Last Updated: 15th June, 2024.

Baby steps

I'm currently spending quite a bit of time trying to figure out what I want to do with my life past just a purpose that's honestly quite vague. And of course, trying to get into college. Sigh.

Getting my shit together

I am a tapestry of interwoven flaws and hidden potential. Way too much of my time goes wasted in consuming cheap content, and I think I'm currently experiencing a bit of burnout as well. I have no idea how to balance everything that I want to do, and I'm eternally tired. Sometimes I think that things would be better if I just gave up, but infuriatingly enough that seems to be the one thing that I am incapable of doing. But I'll make it through. I just have to implement what I already know. 

Chasing knowledge

There is SO MUCH to do, learn and experience, and boy oh boy if I'm not doing any of that and sitting in my home letting my brain rot. To counteract this, I came up with a completely original, utterly brilliant idea - read. more. books. Wow, yes, I know, you can stop clapping now. *cough* Sorry. I don't know what came over me. ANYWAYS, the point is that I have a bunch of books that I want to read because I want to learn a little bit more everyday. Hopefully after reading a couple of them, I'll put up my thoughts about them in the Books section. This section is more about me than what I'm doing. If you want to find out what I'm working on currently, you can look at the work page. That's all. Thanks!

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